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Table of contents

  1. Function definitions
  2. Function literals
  3. Lambdas
  4. Calling functions
  5. Function parameters
  6. Default parameters
  7. Variadic functions
  8. Unpacking call
  9. Keyword parameters
  10. Returning results
  11. Closures and upvalues

Functions are a bundle of statements and expressions that are combined to perform a task, and that can be used repeatedly. They can accept input data to be operated on in the form of parameters, and return some data to the caller via return statements.

In J* functions are an implementation of closures and as such they support the concept of upvalues. Also, just like everything else in J*, they are first-class values. This means that they can be stored in variables, passed in as arguments to other functions and can even be returned as a result of a function call.

Function definitions

The main way that J* lets you create functions is through a function definition statement:

fun printFoo()
    var foo = "Foo"

In J* a function definition is an executable statement. Its execution creates a new function object (an object containing the executable code of the body) and binds it to the provided name in the current scope:

fun newFunction()
    print("This is a function!")

print(newFunction) // the function is bound to `newFunction` in the current scope!

Note that the function definition does not execute the function body; this gets executed only when the function is called.

Being a statement, a function definition can appear in every place a statement can, even inside other functions:

fun function()
    // create a new function and bind its name to a variable 
    // named `nested` inside `function` scope
    fun nested()
        print("A nested function")
    print("Outer function")

Function literals

J* provides another way of creating functions: function literals:

var newFunction = fun()
    print("This is a function!")


Function literals, differently from function definitions, are expressions, and as such can be used in every context where an expression can, such as in a variable initializer as showed in the example above.

They are often used to create so called “anonymous” functions: one-time use functions that are not meant to be bound to a name, particularly useful for callbacks:

fun callMe(fn)

    print("I've been called!")

Function literals can also be used in conjuction with variables to achieve the same effect of a function definition statement:

var newFunction
newFunction = fun()
    print("New function")

In fact, when J* sees a function definition statement, it desugars it (in other words, trasforms it) into the form above, making them equivalent. Nontheless, if the only thing you need to do is create a function and bind it to a name, you should prefer using a function definition, as it is more natural to write and less verbose.


It is not uncommon for function literals to be composed of a single return statement. Being such a common use case, J* provides a special syntax for creating such functions:

var lambda = |x, y| => x + y // A lambda body is composed of a single expression

This is called a lambda function literal, and the compiler will desugar it into the following function literal:

var lambda = fun(x, y)
    return x + y

Calling functions

As already mentioned, creating a function via function definitions or literals doesn’t execute its body. When you want to execute a function you must call it. This is done by using the call operator ():

fun someFunction()
    print("'someFunction' called")

someFunction() // Function call

A function call is an expression, and as such can be used in every place an expression can.

Function parameters

It would be pretty limiting if functions could only operate on the same data every time they’re called. Fortunately, functions can specify input parameters that can be varied between function calls:

fun foo(a, b)
    print("Called foo with {0} and {1}" % (a, b))

foo("bar", 49)
foo(false, null)

Function parameters in J* are positional. This means that the arguments passed to the call operator will be bound to the parameters based on their order.

Also, the number of arguments between the function definition and the function call must match, passing too many or too few will result in an error:

fun foo(a, b)
    print("Called foo with {0} and {1}" % (a, b))

foo("bar", 49, 50)

Default parameters

Sometimes, it can be useful to have default values for function parameters, so that some of them can be left unspecified at the call site. This can be achieved using this syntax:

fun foo(a, b="Default value")
    print("Calling with {0} and {1}" % (a, b))

foo("bar")     // If left unspecified, `b` will be bound to "Default value"
foo("bar", 49) // If instead a second argument is passed, it will take the place of the default one

Default parameters must appear after all positional ones have been listed (if any). Specifying a positional parameter after a default one will result in an error:

fun foo(a="Default", b)
    print("Calling with {0} and {1}" % (a, b))

Valid values for default paramters are: strings, numbers, booleans and null: the constant values. If you try to use any other J* value the compiler will scream at you:

fun foo(a, b=[1, 2, 3])
    print("Calling with {0} and {1}" % (a, b))

Variadic functions

For some functions it can be useful to accept an unlimited number of arguments. In J* we call such functions variadic functions. A function is variadic if the last parameter is an ellipsis (... token):

fun variadic(a, b, ...)
    // Function body

// We can pass extra arguments in addition to `a` and `b`
variadic(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

When calling a variadic function, any extra argument will be put in a tuple and passed to the function via an hidden parameter called args:

fun variadic(a, b, ...)
    print("Argument 1:", a)
    print("Argument 2:", b)
    for var e in args // `args` holds the extra arguments
        print("Variadic:", e)

variadic(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

If instead no extra parameters are passed at the call site, args will be bound to the empty tuple:

fun variadic(...)


Variadic functions can still use positional and default parameters, with the usual rules: positional first, then default ones:

// Using all kinds of parameters in a function
fun all(a, b, c="Default", ...)
    print(a, b, c, args)

all(1, 2)                  // Calling by specifying only positional parameters
all(1, 2, "foo")           // Calling by specifying positional and default parameters
all(1, 2, "foo", false, 3) // Calling with extra parameters after positional and defaults

Unpacking call

Just like with variables, sometimes we wish to extract the elements of a tuple or a list and pass them as arguments to a function call. This can be achieved via an unpacking function call:

fun foo(a, b, c)
    print(a, b, c)

var unpackable = 1, 2, 3
foo(unpackable)... // Unpacking call

An unpacking call is composed by a normal function call followed by an ellipsis. When an unpacking call is executed, J* will try to unpack the last argument and bind its values to the remaining parameters.

If the last argument of the call is not a list or a tuple, an error will be produced:

fun foo(a, b, c)
    print(a, b, c)

foo("not a tuple")...

Also, if the number of elements in the list or tuple doesn’t match the number of parameters that haven’t yet been specified, an error will be produced as well:

fun foo(a, b, c)
    print(a, b, c)

// The first parameter is specified, this leaves only 2 that can be 
// bound by the unpacking call.
// But the provided tuple has 3 elements, so the call will fail.
// The same would happen even if the tuple has a low item count, such as 1
foo(1, (2, 3, 4))...

Keyword parameters

As already enstablished, functions in J* only support positional parameters. Nontheless, it would be useful for a function to accept named parameters (i.e. keyword parameters), especially when a function has lots of them and remembering their position by heart is difficult. J* supports this method of parameter passing by using tables in conjunction with function calls:

fun keywordParams(kwargs)
    if kwargs["foo"]
        print("Parameter foo is {0}" % kwargs["foo"])
        print("No foo parameter specified")

keywordParams{"foo" : 49}

Note how the function call above uses curly braces instead of normal ones used in regular function calls. This is actually syntactic sugar that gets expanded by the compiler into this:

keywordParams({"foo" : 49})

i.e. a function call with a single argument that is a table.

The notation using curly braces already makes calls with keyword arguments pretty natural, but using strings in the middle of a function call to name its parameters is a bit ugly. Fortunately, we can use an alternate syntax for table literals to alleviate this problem:

fun keywordParams(kwargs)
    if kwargs["foo"]
        print("Parameter foo is {0}" % kwargs["foo"])
        print("No foo parameter specified")

keywordParams{.foo : 49}

When a key of a table literal is composed by a dot followed by an identifier, then that identifier is treated as a string. This makes the example above equivalent to the first one, but much more pleasant to write and to read. As an additional plus, by using this syntax the named parameters are forced to be valid J* identifiers, making them consistent with positional ones.

Returning results

Results can be returned by functions via return statements:

fun add(a, b)
    return a + b

print(add(5, 2))

A return statement is composed by a return keyword followed by an optional expression. When a function reaches a return statement, the execution of the function is stopped and control is returned to its caller, that will receive the argument of the return as a result.

Just like variables and parameters, functions do not need to specify a type for their return value, and as such it is legal to return different types in different execution paths of the same function:

fun fiveOrErr(n)
    if n == 5
        return n
        return "`n` must be a five!"


Also, as mentioned in the beginning of the paragraph, the expression part of a return statement is optional. If a bare return is encountered, then its argument will be assumed to be null.

Another property to note about functions and return values is that, in J*, all functions do return one. In fact, if no return statement is encountered during the execution of a function, its return value will be null:

fun noReturn()

This enables the writing of so called ‘void’ functions (functions that do not return a result), without having to type in a return statement at the end of every function.

Closures and upvalues

We have already seen how functions can be nested inside one another. This can create some intresting situations:

fun createCounter()
    var counter = 0
    return fun()
        counter += 1
        return counter

Here, we can see how the nested function literal accesses the counter variable, that is declared in its surrounding function. Given J* block scope rules, it is natural to assume that the counter used inside the inner function will actually referer to the counter variable declared in its parent. The strange thing is that, when we actually call createCounter, we return a function that references a variable of createCounter itself, that in the meantime completed execution and thus, given the already discussed scoping rules, has a reference to a variable that is no longer in scope. How does this work? Aren’t variables supposed to be discared when their scope ends? The general answer to this is yes but, in the case of functions, the situation is a bit more involved.

Functions in J* are actually an implementation of closures. A closure is a function that closes over or, in other words, captures free variables in surrounding scopes. Their working is not dissimilar to that of nested scopes, but applied to functions: if a variable is referenced that is not declared in the current function, search for it in any of its parents. Differently from scopes though, functions in J* are first-class values. This means that a function can actually escape its scope, for example by being returned as a result. This can create a situation in which the lifetime of the closure is longer than the lifetime of the variables that it references. For this reason, closures mantain references to captured variables so that they remain alive for as long as the closure that captured them is alive. We call such variables upvalues.

As a consequence of this mechanism, closures can mantain a state in the form of upvalues, and as such can be used to implement structures similar to objects as showed in the createCounter example:

fun createCounter()
    var counter = 0
    return fun()
        counter += 1
        return counter

var count = createCounter()

In fact, we could go as far as to say that closures are a poor man’s objects.